Why can't I be copied by other traders?

When you are being copied by other TBanque clients, you are passively affecting the funds of other people. Our responsible trading policy is in place to encourage responsible behaviour among all our investors on our social investment platform.


There are a few reasons why other investors might not be able to copy you. Some of the main reasons are:

  1. High AUC

AUC (Assets under copy) is the total cash equity your copiers have allocated to invest in your portfolio.


To protect our community of traders, we block investors who reach a very high AUC of $15,000 USD from gaining new copiers until they join our Popular Investor program and agree to our responsible trading requirements. The block remains in place if your AUC drops below $15,000 USD and you have not yet become a Popular Investor.


If a Popular Investor reaches an AUC of $100M USD, we block this client from gaining new copiers. This is to give other investors the opportunity to be copied as well.

  1. High risk

If you have a consistent high risk score of 7 or more (based on a daily average score), you may be blocked from being copied.


The restriction does not affect existing copiers. Once your risk score decreases, you will be unblocked automatically and immediately, and you will be able to be copied by other traders again.


For Popular Investors, you may be blocked from receiving new copiers if you reach a maximum daily risk score of 8 or more. 


At TBanque, we review our investors' strategies regularly to determine who can be copied, in the best interests of the TBanque community and according to TBanque's Terms and Conditions. 

  1. Breach of community guidelines 

As a social platform, we follow community guidelines. If you do not respect them while commenting on trades and interacting with other investors on the platform, you may be blocked from being copied.


We encourage the TBanque community to discuss and challenge ideas, strategies, and market events as they happen, in a friendly, polite, and respectful way.

  1. Account set as private

If your TBanque investment account is private, you cannot be copied by other traders. 


To be copied by other investors, you will need to make your account public. 


You can do this by going here, or via the Settings tab, then Privacy, and switching on Public Account.

  1. Non-responsive

As a social platform, users who do not reply to our requests for information or documents, or do not post on the platform for the benefit of their copiers, may be blocked from being copied.

  1. Breaking the rules of trading

There are rules set out in our Terms and Conditions that all users must follow when using the TBanque investment platform. If you break these rules of trading, you may be blocked from being copied.


Forbidden actions under the rules of trading include: attempting to bypass security measures, practising abusive trading techniques such as scalping, and using external software or technology to automate trades.